Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I want to creep behind the bushes today,
Keep masked the uneasy jitters.
Camouflage my cowardice.

I want to tear my skin off, of;
Pins and needles,
The anguish of the wayward,
These blues of my lone drift.

I want to creep behind the bushes today,
Seek refuge in soft sobs.
Hide away from the disquiet,
Of bidding adieu to this land.


I ask now, if life before;
Was only a prologue?
To a beautiful new promise of this land.

I ask now,if love before;
Was only a virgin coyness?
And if it will now taste like an aged wine.

I chase now, dreams;
That shouts like the sun, rising atop tall mountains of the east.
That drizzles like the spring, leaping from within the summers.
That laughs like youth, which is anxious to touch.

That stabs like first snow, and speaks like a pride new mother.

I thirst now,for beauty;
That is not just cheer, but ecstasy.
That is not akin a serene lake, but the tempest sea.
That is unveiled and uncharted.
That is unseen and unfathomed.
That is ceaseless and immortal.

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